Forms, Policies and Calendar
The fillable forms work best using Internet Explorer. If you are using Chrome or Firefox, you may have to ‘save as’ or ‘download’ the document before completing.
- Student Application Form
- Student Information Form
- Summer School Registration Form 2023
- Refund Request Form
- Medical Information Form
- Consent Form
- Withdrawal Form
It is the responsibility of parents and students to read the following handbooks, code of conduct and policies. Please ensure you read the info before filling out and submitting the consent forms and agreements below.
- Student and Parent Handbook 2022-2023
- Student Code of Conduct
School Calendar and Schedule
- School Calendar 2024-2025
- Daily Schedule
School Policies
Academic Honesty Policy
This policy outlines Alexander Academy’s expectations for honest academic conduct, the student’s and teachers’ roles and responsibilities and the consequences for academic misconduct. Students and parents will receive a copy of this policy and will sign a declaration.
Rationale and Purpose
The goal of Alexander Academy’s Academic Honesty Policy is to educate students to conduct themselves in a responsible and ethical manner and therefore make every effort to avoid any form of academic misconduct. Alexander Academy’s expectations are that students exhibit the character traits of honesty, integrity, respect and responsibility.
These expectations are consistent with the IB Learner Profile where students are Principled, Knowledgeable, Thinkers and Inquirers. The faculty at Alexander Academy aim to develop in our students the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.
In our efforts to promote academic honesty specifically and personal integrity overall, we encourage our students to embrace the attributes of the Learner Profile.
The academically honest student:
- Documents all source material consistently in a standard style of referencing
- Uses direct quotations and paraphrases appropriately
- Respects others’ intellectual property by abiding by copyright law
- Understands what constitutes academic dishonesty
- Understands the consequences of academic misconduct
- Explicitly and appropriately acknowledges help provided by another person
- Follows all exam rules
The academically honest student does not:
- Plagiarize by copying material from a published source or from another student
- Give another student his/her/their work to copy
- Use notes during a test unless allowed by the teacher or permitted by the examination rules
- Do work for another student
- Purchase and submit pieces written by someone else
- Present others’ artistic or creative work in any medium (images, music, film, etc.) as his/her/their own
- Engage in any behaviour that provides a student an unfair advantage over others
School’s Roles and Responsibilities
Students will receive cohesive, comprehensive and direct instruction through courses from our teachers in information literacy and the research process including:
- accessing, analyzing, selecting and organizing information
- synthesizing and communicating information
- evaluating and reflecting on information
- the rules and purpose for acknowledging source material in both Modern Language Association (MLA) style and American Psychological Association (APA) style
Examples of academic misconduct
- Plagiarism: Taking work, words, ideas, pictures, information or anything that has been produced by someone else and submitting it for assessment as his/her/their own
- Copying: Taking work from another student, with or without his/her/ their knowledge, and submitting it as his/her/their own
- Exam Cheating: Communicating with another student in an exam, bringing unauthorized material into an exam room, or consulting such material during an exam in order to gain an unfair advantage
- Falsifying Data: Creating or altering data rather than collecting authentic data
- Collusion: Helping another student to be academically dishonest
- Collaboration: Working with other students is expected and encouraged. However, each student may be responsible for their own written work. When this is the case, if one student copies the work of another, this represents collusion
Students who either intentionally or accidentally engage in behaviour that gives them an unfair advantage over others, including academic dishonesty, will be subject to consequences as follows:
- The first time a student is suspected of being dishonest in an academic or non-academic course, their teacher will inform the Counsellor who will start an electronic file of the details of their dishonesty. The file will remain open until the student leaves Alexander Academy. The consequences of the student’s actions at this point will be non-punitive. They will be taught how to correct their wrongdoing by the appropriate staff member. Parents/guardians will be notified by the teacher.
- If again the student is suspected of being dishonest in an academic or non-academic course, the Counsellor will involve the Head of School who will review the details of the student’s electronic file and decide on appropriate consequences. Parents/guardians will be notified. At this point, the student may become exempt from awards and scholarships. Repeat offences may also include suspension or withdrawal from a class.
Attendance Policy
Alexander Academy believes that regular attendance promotes student learning, demonstrates a commitment to the achievement of the British Columbia Graduate Requirements and is essential for the student’s overall success.
Attendance at Alexander Academy is compulsory.
- Students may be excused for illness, injury, emergencies, religious observance and for immigration purposes.
- Absences for vacations and extended trips cannot be considered excused. Alexander Academy teachers will not be responsible for producing work assignments or providing make-up assignments, tests or exams for students. All notification of absence due to vacation or family trip must be submitted in writing to the Head Teacher.
- The goal is for every student to be in school every day. A student with less than 90% attendance is in violation of our attendance policy.
- Students are responsible for all course work and assignments while absent. When a test is missed due to illness, a note from a parent/guardian acknowledging his/her awareness that a test has been missed, due to illness, is required.
- When missing an examination due to illness, a doctor’s note is always required. Any examination or test missed due to vacation or truancy will not be rescheduled, and will be assigned a mark of incomplete (I) as this summative assessment must demonstrate evidence that course expectations have been met with success.
90 Percent Rule
In addition to the Compulsory Attendance, there is the 90 Percent Rule, which states that students must attend class for 90 percent of the time it is offered to receive credit for the class.
- If the student doesn’t meet the 90% rule, he/she may not receive credit for the course, or advance in ELL courses, and could face expulsion.
- Students who attend less than 90% of classes are required to make up the missed instructional time. If students master course content and satisfactorily meet expectations outlined in the syllabus; they must receive credit for the course.
- When a student fails to attend 90% of classes, parents are notified with a warning letter.
- Students and Parents sign an attendance agreement, and follow a plan to make up instructional time.
- Students whose attendance chronically remain under 90% after intervention may face possible expulsion.
Medical Insurance Policy
Comprehensive health and accident insurance is mandatory in British Columbia. All students attending Alexander Academy are required to have valid Medical Insurance. Proof of medical insurance coverage is required upon registration.
Although accepted at the Academy, students will not be permitted to attend class without valid medical insurance. An application for medical insurance on behalf of the student must be made at the time of registration.
Please view the Student and Parent Handbook for more information, or go to the “Medical Insurance” page.
Homestay Policy
Students and their families are responsible for arranging the homestay for their child while studying at Alexander Academy. The school does not promote, endorse, and arrange individual homestays.
Alexander Academy recognizes that it is a partner with parents, students, agents, custodians and homestay providers.
As such, Alexander Academy endeavors to respect all the school-relevant provisions found in Section 2 (International Student Program Responsibilities) of the BC Ministry of Education’s K-12 International Student Homestay Guidelines (2018).
Security Card Policy
Alexander Academy is committed to making our campus a safe and secure place to study. To support this, each student will be issued with an individual security card so they can access the building during school hours. Students must agree to the following terms prior to being issued with the security card:
- Each student is responsible for the card that was issued to them. Cards should not be lent or traded.
- Any lost or damaged cards must be replaced at a replacement cost.
- Cards must be returned to the office prior to students withdrawing from the Academy. If the card cannot be returned, a lost card fee will be charged.
Damaged cards will be subject to a replacement fee at the discretion of administration (this fee will not exceed $100 plus tax).
Uniform Policy
Alexander Academy students are required to wear a school uniform while attending school. Uniform guidelines are as follows:
Girl’s Uniform
- White shirt; short, long, or ¾ sleeve
- School sweater or vest
- School kilt or grey pants
- Navy blue tights or knee-high socks
- School Reversible Jacket (for outdoors)
- Black shoes that can be polished
- Optional: School tie (mandatory with blazer)
- Optional: School Polo shirt in May – June
Boy’s Uniform
- White shirt; short or long sleeve
- School Pullover sweater or vest
- Grey dress pants
- Grey or black dress socks
- School Jacket (for outdoors) OR Blazer
- Black shoes that can be polished
- School tie
- Optional: School Polo shirt in May – June
- Uniforms are to be kept neat, clean and in good repair at all times.
- Uniform pants must be long enough to reach the shoes and worn with grey or black dress socks.
- Girls may wear black or navy blue tights or knee highs below the knee.
- Kilts are not to be shortened or worn more than 2” above the knee.
- Shoes may not be higher than 2 inches.
- Dress shirts are to be done up and tucked in at all times.
- Ties are to be properly tied and done up at all times.
- School sweater, vest or blazer is worn over the white shirt.
- Outerwear may not be worn in the class.
Clothing that fails to conform to the school standard must be replaced at the student’s expense. All school clothing is laundered or dry-cleaned regularly.
Technology Policy
Student: I have read Alexander Academy’s “Policy for the Acceptable Use of the School Computer Network and Internet” and agree to abide by the provisions therein.
Parent: I have read the Alexander Academy “Policy for the Acceptable Use of the School Computer Network and Internet.” I understand that network services are intended for educational purposes. I understand that any other use is in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy and subject to remedial action on the part of the school. Alexander Academy has taken reasonable precautions to eliminate inappropriate material from its network systems. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all inappropriate materials that exist outside its network.
- Alexander Academy Laptop/Device Policy
- The Alexander Academy laptop/device policy is an addendum to Alexander Academy’s Acceptable Use of Internet Policy.
- To attend Alexander Academy, students are required to come to school equipped with one of the following options: iPad, Windows laptop, or Apple laptop.
Refund Policy
All Students
- All refund requests must be made in writing along with the submission of supplementary documents.
- Refunds are processed under the name of the student`s parent unless an alternate request is submitted by the parent in writing.
- No refund is granted if parents fail to disclose medical needs, special learning needs or behavioral considerations.
- In the event that a student is required to discontinue studies due to expulsion, the student is not eligible for a refund of any amount paid to Alexander Academy for the school year in which they were expelled. Further, a student isn’t eligible for a partial refund to cover an interruption to their studies due to disciplinary suspension of any kind, nor from an interruption of their studies arising from any other consequence assigned to the students as a result of their misbehaviour.
- The cancellation of acceptance according to Alexander Academy’s admission policy will result in the loss of any non-refundable deposit.
- All fees paid are non-transferable.
- All refunds which are requested by wire transfer are subject to an administrative fee of $100. Banks may charge additional transaction fees.
- Approved refund requests are processed within 4-6 weeks.
International Students (Visa Refusal)
International students who have been issued an official Letter of Acceptance from Alexander Academy are not eligible for a refund unless the student’s Study Permit application has been denied by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. In the event of a Study Permit application denial, fees are fully refundable minus the administration fee of $300. To receive a refund, the following documents must be submitted:
- Withdrawal form
- Request for Refund form
- Refusal letter issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The date of the refusal letter must be subsequent to the issue date of the most recent Letter of Acceptance.
International students who have registered online courses with Global Education for 2022-23 academic year are not eligible for tuition fee refund 2 weeks after the course start date. In the event of Study Permit application denial, the remaining fees are refundable minus the Global Education course fees and administration fee of $300.
New Domestic Students
- Alexander Academy will retain 50% of the total tuition and activity fees if the student withdraws 30 or more calendar days prior to the first day of school year.
- No refund is issued if the student withdraws 29 or fewer calendar days prior to the first day of the school year.
Continuing Students (Domestic and International)
- A non-refundable tuition deposit of $2,000 is required to guarantee a seat for an upcoming school year.
- Alexander Academy will retain 50% of the total tuition fee and activity fees less $2,000 deposit if the student withdraws 30 or more calendar days prior to the first day of school year.
- No refund is issued if the student withdraws 29 or fewer calendar days prior to the first day of school year.
400-570 Dunsmuir Street,
Vancouver, BC, V6B 1Y1, Canada
(+1) 604-687-8832
Alexander Academy acknowledges we are located on the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. We look forward to working with the local First Nations in partnership, and are committed to the process of decolonization, reconciliation, and stewarding strong relationships through ongoing communication.
602 W Hastings St #100,
Vancouver, BC V6B 1P2